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I am Carolyne Cherop a mother of 4 beautiful children…2girls 2 boys. They are my world.

My world was not always this beautiful or intentional.

I got pregnant with my first baby in 2010 while I was in campus. My first reaction was unbelief and shock.. my world literally changed as I felt this was the end of my plans and so I isolated myself and beat myself up for being so careless.. then I started sinking into depression which became severe after my son was born. I didn’t want to be a mother. And my situation was exacerbated by baby’s excessive cries, we didn’t sleep at night.

I didn’t get any help and as such my state of depression stayed on till I got my second baby and in as much as my support system was present throughout I always felt isolated and alone. I did not enjoy any activities…

Till one day in 2013, a friend sat me down and spoke to me. She had seen me change since our days in campus and told me I was presenting symptoms of postpartum depression. Talking helped me, and I met my friend on a regular basis,  I began to experience the joy of life …being alone no longer became my default state.

I support mental awareness as mental illnesses take away so much and if only mothers were made aware that they could get help, then our world would be a much better place.

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